the role of women in church

I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.  For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor.  1 Timothy 2:12-14

This is definitely NOT a coffee cup verse!  We need not worry that this verse will make it onto a shirt, mug, or bag.  Imagine with me now the reaction of the woman who would receive a such a gift.  Yikes!  Yet, this is the very word of God, meant to instruct us in godliness.  It is profitable and valuable, beautiful even, far above any human word.  It was given to us by a loving heavenly father for our own good and his glory.

It is vitally important that we realize these things as we read difficult verses.  God has our better good in mind, not our temporary comfort.  Life is difficult and full of trials.  Life doesn’t always seem fair.  Christ’s life is the perfect example.  Completely perfect in every way, yet he was mocked, scorned, rejected, and finally crucified.  If we are a child of the most high God we can trust that his ways are higher and better than our ways.  That when he tells us how life works best, it is not out of capricious motives.  For God is only good.

This verse clearly speaks to women about the role they are to play in the church.  They are not to teach/have authority over men, period.  To be certain, this is not to say that women are not to teach at all.  It is clear from other passages of scripture that women are to teach.  Women are to teach other women (Titus 2:4).  Women are to instruct children (2 Tim. 1:5).  Nor does this speak to the role of women leading outside the church in business or government work.

This passage can’t be explained away as cultural.  The reason Paul forbids women to teach in the church does not have its root in social propriety like head coverings, for example (which had modesty in view).  Rather, Paul takes this back to the garden, to Adam and Eve.  The reason women are not to have authority over men in the church are two-fold: 1) Adam came fist, there is a creative order; and 2) the woman sinned because she was deceived, women are more prone to spiritual deception.  To be sure, Adam sinned too.  Yet his sin was one of willful disobedience.

If Paul’s admonition to the ladies isn’t difficult enough, his reasonings behind it can seem even more severe.  Yet the creative order is a path of submission paved for both men and women that Jesus has already so humbly trod.  We have to ask ourselves the questions, “Am I above my Savior?”  “Am I willing to take up my cross and follow?”  As we think about Paul’s assessment of woman, we must recognize that all of God’s creation has its strengths and limitations, even man and woman.  We don’t become angry when lumber from a sturdy oak tree doesn’t fold in half.  We are happy rather that it makes strong, solid boards that can be used to build countless things.  In the same way God created man and woman unique.  His plan is that they compliment, not reflect, one another.  We are to be thankful for the strengths of each and humble enough to recognize and accept their weaknesses as well.

Finally, even if we don’t completely understand or love this passage, we know that God can be fully trusted.  When we choose to live in obedience to God’s ways he gives us the grace we need to do so.  We find that his commands are not grievous if we submit to his ways even when we don’t completely understand them. Ultimately as we die to our own desires and wishes we find that we truly live!

The picture above is from a recent family hike at Wompatuck State Park.  They have beautiful, shady trails of various lengths.  So  nice for summer hiking with the kids!


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