Light to my Path

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. (Psa. 119:105)

God’s word is of utmost value and importance to, us, his kids!  It is what keeps us on the straight and narrow path that leads to life and away from the many pitfalls that Satan has laid to trip us up and ultimately guide us to the wide path that leads to death.  

That is why scripture reminds us again and again of the perseverance of the saints.  If we truly belong to God, we will continue on the path that leads to life.  And as our verse reminds us, the only way we can see to remain on that path, in this world made dark by evil, is to be in the word of God.  Gods words are what shed light on our path so that we can clearly see the roots of vain philosophies, worldly desires, false teaching, and other sin for what they are – roots meant to trip us up in our faith.  Without God’s word we stumble around in the dark and sooner or later we will stumble our way off the path that leads to him.  

This is why it is so important to be reading God’s word on our own and to be part of a local church that puts a big emphasis on God’s word. A church’s authority, after all, rises and falls on whether they are accurately conveying God’s word to their people.  Also, in scripture we are warned that those who teach God’s word are going to be judged more strictly.  After all, spiritual life and death for the listener can rest on their either biblically faithful or unfaithful teaching of scripture.  It’s therefore important not only to be part of a church that emphasizes God’s word, but also one that is “rightly handling the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15).

Isn’t it amazing that in his infinite wisdom and love God has not left us alone here to grope around in the dark!  He has given us his word to shed light on our path.  We don’t have to stumble any more!  Not only did he give us his written word, as if that isn’t incredible enough, but he sent the Word become flesh, his very Son, to bring us back to him.  John tells us this about Jesus, “In him was life, and the life was the light of men.”  Jesus is light personified.  Oh that we would love and hold in highest regard The Light, both Jesus and his Father’s words preserved for us in his special gift of the bible!  Then our paths would be illuminated and we would know which way to go.


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